Saturday, 25 December 2010


[We Wish You a Merry Christmas]

[Mariah Carey - Santa Claus Is Coming to Town]

[Lady Gaga - Christmas Tree]


Wednesday, 22 December 2010

Paddington House of Pancakes

@Paddington House of Pancakes

Tuesday, 7 December 2010


大家好,我叫「郝完美」,现在读小学三年级。这个名字是爸妈为我取的。 他们说,我小时候,不管正面看背面看,醒着睡着,或笑或哭,我看起来都好完美。 可是,随着我慢慢长大,事情就变了…… 爸妈的要求愈来愈多,学校的要求愈来愈严。 我觉得很累,真想大叫:我不是完美小孩啦! 我想知道,世界上有多少人跟我一样觉得自己不完美。 所以我鼓起勇气站上台,讲出我对于这件事的想法。 所有放弃追求完美的小孩和大人,欢迎来听讲。

《我不是完美小孩·MY LITTLE PERFECT WORLD》预览·Preview:



No. 3




Every time I look at jimmy's book, can get great encouragement from.
Surprised to find it yesterday and decided to buy.
I have asked friend to Taiwan to buy the book, hope that she can find it. :)

Sunday, 5 December 2010

Congratulation to Raymond ^^


Fung@ 2010 TVB Anniversary Awards

Friday, 3 December 2010

A song makes me think of you

Every time I hear this song, I'll think of you ...I like this song because it reminds me of you ...Think of you singing this song ... your voice ...

Thursday, 7 October 2010


Recently, the headlines in local paper stated that Kylie Tanti, am Australian Base jumper fell to her death when her parachute failed to open during a training stint from a communication tower in Alor Setar.

It was a tragic accident…

Parachuting is a relatively safe sport but occasionally we hear of accidents like this.

A famous quote by Frank Zappa, an American composer and musician, who said: ‘The mind is like a parachute-it works only when it is open.’

Tanti sent us a powerful message through her death. Her friends described her as fearless and larger than life. It is time to check our ‘parachute’ to ensure that it functions properly.

Sunday, 26 September 2010

September 26th is World Heart Day

Yesterday was World Heart Day. It was created to inform people around the globe that heart disease and stroke are the world's leading causes of death...

This year's theme is 'Workplace Wellness' and its aim is to promote the workplace as the ideal setting to adopt healthy behaviors to prevent heart disease and stroke. To ensure sustained change, the World Heart Federation is targeting the workplace to promote healthy heart messages.

The Workplace Wellness imitative aims to use the workplace to promote long-term behavioral changes that will benefit employers, employees and communicates.

World Heart Day calls on individuals to take their first of 10 steps to Heart Health:
1. Healthy food intake
2. Get active and take heart
3. Say no to tobacco
4. Maintain a healthy weight
5. Know your numbers
6. Limit your alcohol intake
7. Insist on a smoke- free environment
8. Bring exercise to the workplace
9. Choose healthy food option
10.Encourage stress- free moments

Compiled from

Friday, 13 August 2010

Castle in The Sky-天空之城-天空の城ラピュタ

《天空之城》是一部宫崎骏由Jonathan Swift写的小说《Gulliver's Travels》(格列佛游记)萌生创意而作的电影,某些人认为其故事情节较为传统,但这不等于它没有新意,相反,《天空之城》一剧充满了很多新元素。电影中近乎完美地刻画出故事所发生时代的世界的景观,有点科幻色彩,也有点神话色彩,还有点欧洲工业革命时期的味道,诸如高架铁轨上的旧式火车,黑漆漆的矿洞,飞空艇,像泥塑的机器人等等……


I ♥ this music ^^

Saturday, 7 August 2010

Wednesday, 21 July 2010


I hate this kind of feeling…Seriously, why don’t you say everything clearly obviously? I feel curious and wanna know what’s happened on you to cause you act like this.I hate to guess and I even don’t wanna guess… just because I wanna know everything through your mouth and not from my conjecture. Why don’t you understand that it’s hurt when you act like this?
It’s killing my heart before I wrote this post.But from now on, I wanna forgot about it and delete every unhappy incident in my life…and ENJOY MY UNI LIFE!!!I CAN DO IT!!! CHEER UP!!!

MoMo + BeH BeH, I miss you guyz so much... :(
I'll hug MoMo when I sad, but now MoMo at hometown... T.T

Monday, 31 May 2010

Part of my life

Yesterday, I took a deep breath and I walked through the doors, it was the morning of my very first day. I said hi to my friends and they said halo to me. It was my freshman year and I m gonna be here for the next four years in Kampar. I am trying to be independent and more confident in this few years and hope I enjoy my new life in this small town. :)

~~ Coffee..Coffee..I need give me coffee ~~

Wednesday, 31 March 2010


Earth Hour started in 2007 in Sydney, Australia when 2.2 million homes and businesses turned their lights off for one hour to make their stand against climate change. Only a year later and Earth Hour had become a global sustainability movement with more than 50 million people across 35 countries participating.

Earth Hour 2010 takes place on Saturday 27 March at 8.30pm and is a global call to action to every individual, every business and every community throughout the world. It is a call to stand up, to take responsibility, to get involved and lead the way towards a sustainable future.

Earth Hour @ PenangPenang celebrated Earth Hour with candlelight gatherings, music and food
Last Saturday night, crowds gathered at several spots on Penang Island.

Rendezvous under candlelightOne of the spot, the Esplanade was turned into a sea of lights as 10,000 candles were lighted up in the event organised by non-governmental organisation Futurize Global Community Foundation with the support of the state government.
Candlelight forming the number 60 to denote 60 minutes during the Earth Hour celebration.

From: The Star Newspaper

Penangites and visitors lighting up 10,000 candles on the Esplanade field in George Town

Sunday, 28 March 2010

復活 “蛋” 的艺术

From: JBTalks

好可爱的复活蛋,好想把它们占为己有... ><