Monday, 30 April 2012

Don't lose hope

Quote of the day =)

International Spank Out Day

Today is the last day of the month of April and it is International SpankOut Day.

What is SpankOut Day?
SpankOut Day is an international event sponsored by the Center for Effective Discipline. It was initiated in 1998 by EPOCH-USA (End Physical Punishment of Children) to the need end physical punishment of children and to provide educational information to parents and caregivers about non-violent alternatives. Over 500 informational events and programmes have been held in the US and in the other countries it is sometimes called 'no hitting day', 'no smacking day', or 'day of non-violence for children'. 

April 30 - SpankOut Day
"We need to support SpankOut Day USA spanking is an inappropriate method of discipline in a civilized society. Intimidation and fear are not effective teachers; knowledge and love are." - Victoria S., Baltimore, MD