Friday 20 February 2009

Clean, Nourish, Protect

There three words from the essentials of good skin care. And as we live in the tropics, we need to be especially concerned about sun protection.


Wash your face at least twice a day and do it gently. The 2 letters to remember are pH, which refers to the balance of acid and alkali on your skin. Certain foods and products upset the pH balance and cause skin problems. Soaps, for instance, may be too alkaline. If you wear makeup, you need a cleanser formulated just for this purpose.


Drink 6-8 glasses of water a day. It flushes out toxins and keeps skin hydrated, giving it a healthy grow. You also need a moisturiser for day and a heavier-duty cream at night if you're oler and your skin is dry.


Always use a sun protection product with a minimum Sun Protection Factor of 15, and steer clear of outdoor activities from 10am to 4pm. Sunburn should be avoided at any age, but especially during childhood and the teenage years, as this could lead to serious skin problems, even skin cancer, in adulthood.

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